Entit Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.

Enterprise Solution Enterprise Solution

Each business in today's times face many challenges. It is necessary for them to understand the customer's requirements, suggest detail design, perform excellent use of best available resources/technologies in market, reduce wastes, increase productivity, optimize cost, manage risk, maintain quality, proactively approach to resolve future issues and provide guiding suggestions to them.

Enterprise solutions like ERP, CRM or SCM systems along with benefitting a business through improved efficiency, information integration for better decision-making, and faster response time to customer queries, helps in building better corporate image, improved customer goodwill, customer satisfaction and so on. ERP systems integrate all business management functions, including planning, inventory/materials management, engineering, order processing, manufacturing, purchasing, accounting and finance, human resources, and more. At Entit, we have a wide pool of talent working solely on this platform to offer the services as under:

  Oracle E-Business Suite- Implementation & Maintenance
Oracle Application (Oracle E-Business Suite) is one of most demanding, stable and fastest growing ERP product in the world. Its current revenue comes around US $35.6 billion. Oracle EBS uses Oracle RDBMS as a back end whereas other Oracle Apps modules (Manufacturing, Financial, CRM, Projects, SCM and Human Resources) as a front end.
At Entit, our ERP Consultants (Oracle apps) have years of experience of Oracle E-Business Suite in various industries like Semi-conductor, Retail, Telecom, Automobile etc. Our team of technical & functional resources is excelled in providing effective business solutions across all the modules of Oracle EBS like Oracle Financials, Projects, Procurements, Distribution, HRMS & CRM modules.
Our team is well versed in all types of technical, reporting & scheduling tools in and around oracle EBS like:

2.Oracle Discoverer
3.D2K Forms & Reports
4.XML Reporting
5.Oracle Financial Analyzer (OFA)
6.Oracle Workflows & Alerts
8.UNIX scripting
We provide Implementation, Upgrade & Support services for different versions of Oracle EBS.
Oracle E-Business Suite- Implementation & Maintenance
Oracle E-Business Suite- Implementation & Maintenance
  ERP Applications
  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems integrate internal and external management information across an entire organization, embracing finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales and service, customer relationship management, etc. ERP systems automate this activity with an integrated software application. The purpose of ERP is to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the connections to outside stakeholders.We, at Entit understand the need of organizations to run their operations seamlessly. Entit provides various custom build ERP solutions to its customers along with deals in Implementation and Maintenance of various leading ERP solutions like SAP, Oracle Apps, OpenERP, WebERP & various others.
  SCM services
  • Organizations increasingly find that they must rely on effective supply chains, or networks, to compete in the global market and networked economy. Successful SCM requires a change from managing individual functions to integrating activities into key supply chain processes.At Entit, we provide collaborative strategic sourcing solutions that ensure that category teams embrace the recommended approach and effectively execute for optimal impact. We have a group of supply chain management professionals supporting creditable services meeting the needs of businesses throughout the world. Our experience working with both small and large organizations has developed our services in assessing and presenting service options to suit the customer's needs.
  Human Capital Management
  • We are focused on helping clients maximize their investments in Enterprise HCM (HRMS, WFM, Payroll and Analytics).
    Our top management has extensive experience and specializes in helping companies outsource.
    Human Capital Management software's maintenance and enhancement projects including Workbrain Software Consulting.
    Work Force Management system along with benefitting a business through improved efficiency, information integration for better decision-making, and faster response time during Scheduling process, helps in building better corporate image, improved customer goodwill, customer satisfaction and so on.
    Entit and Spatial Consulting are Leading Implementation & Support players in the following areas:
    Forecasting of workload & Staff,
    Integration of Staff into Scheduling process,
    Management of working times,
    Analysis & Monitoring of Entire Process etc
    We have well versed and trained consultants in different technologies like Infor, Kronos, SAP, Oracle Peoplesoft and Red Prairie.

    human Capital Management
  IBM Collaboration Suite
  • Medium sized business face unique collaboration challenges that are magnified in today's economic climate. IBM Lotus Software is designed to provide simplified solutions and delivery models based on the needs of medium sized businesses. At Entit, we help our customers to better understand their technology options and how to leverage Lotus collaboration solutions to lower their IT total cost of ownership and increase organization's productivity. With collaboration solutions from IBM, organizations can:
    1 Stay within budget while delivering best-in-class collaborative solutions.
    2 Provide mobile and remote workers with access to email, calendars and applications.
    3 Automate and speed workflows to improve consistency and reduce errors.
    4 Scale to address their growing needs.

    IBM Collaboration Suite
  IBM Tivoli Product Group
  • IBM Tivoli SW offerings provide efficient and most effective endpoint management , centralized and automated data protection that can help reduce the risks associated with data loss while also helping to reduce complexity, manage cost and address compliance with corporate/ regulatory data retention and availability requirements. With trained & certified professionals on IBM Tivoli Product Groups, Entit understands the needs of its clients towards effective storage & End-point management.
    IBM Tivoli Product Group
  Data Ware Housing & Business Intelligence
  • Data warehousing and business intelligence are key solutions towards performance management of an organization and plays a vital role towards keeping the customers current with the market. From business intelligence to financial performance and strategy management to analytics applications, these products can provide what your organization needs to become top-performing and analytics-driven. With products for the individual, workgroup, department, midsize business and large enterprise, these are designed to help everyone in your organization make the decisions that achieve better business outcomes for now and in the future. At Entit, we have a dedicated team of experts working towards implementation of various DW and BI tools like Cognos, Business Objects, Informatica, Webmethods .
  Reporting Solutions
  • Enterprises need powerful and flexible tools for creating reports, generating documents and gaining insight into business processes. With each Entit's solution, you get a cohesive platform that meets all your enterprise reporting, document generation, cloud reporting or business intelligence needs.Entit provides value added services involving custom reporting solutions. Entit's professionals are also well versed in various leading reporting packages like:
    1. Discoverer
    2. Hyperion
    3. Oracle Financial Analyzer
    4. Many More
    Reporting Solutions

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